torsdag 18 april 2024
plenum pågår

The Sami Parliament

The Background of the Sami Parliament

As an indigenous people, the Sami have a different standing than other ethnic minorities in Sweden. The Sami are not immigrants, having lived in their settled areas long before the borders were drawn for today’s nations. In 1977, the Swedish Riksdag recognized the Sami as an indigenous people in Sweden.

Read more about the background of the establishment of a Sami Parliament in Sweden

Office building


The Organization and Work

The Sami Parliament is both a publically-elected parliament and a State agency. The tasks of the Parliament are regulated by the Swedish Sami Parliament Act. It is at the main office officials carry out the daily tasks of the agency and there is a political level with publically-elected politicians. These politicians are not residing in the main office in Kiruna, they are merely laymen.

Read more about the organization and work of the Sami Parliament

The question of Self-determination

The Sami parliament works for increased self-determination. The Sami want to be decisive in questions that concern them as Sami. Sami self-determination is not about forming a new state.

Read more about self-determination from a Sami perspective

© Sametinget 2024
Uppdaterad: 2021-12-14

Om Sametinget

Sametinget är både en statlig myndighet med förvaltningsuppgifter och ett folkvalt samiskt parlament med uppdraget att verka för en levande samisk kultur i Sverige.




Sametinget är en statlig myndighet under regeringen, med särskilt ansvar för språk, kultur och rennäring.

Det folkvalda organet

Det folkvalda parlamentet består av 31 ledamöter som träffas till plenum tre gånger per år. Styrelsen är ytterst ansvarig för Sametingets verksamhet.


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